Eating Out
In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
This next burger makes the 20 Pattie In 'n' Out Burger look like a happy meal. Yep, some crazy mofo decided to get an In 'n' Out burger worth close to USD$100!!! 100 beef patties, 100 slices of cheese... Andy, the man responsible for all of this, I tip my hat to your fine achievement of mega-fatness!


It started innocently enough with a Halloween weekend in Vegas (2004). What started as a drunken, silly weekend..became quite legendary.

Throughout the weekend, Andy kept on saying: "We should go get a 100x100 at In-N-Out". Over..and over...and over again. Until we finally broke. So on Halloween night, we went to go chowdown.


The receipt 100x100 $97.66 - 1 Dbl/Dbl, 98 Extra patties

Furiously cooking the 100x100..they were shocked. They said the biggest order they had before this was the 24x24

The Completed masterpiece

Close ups - they jury rigged a couple of boxes together

Horizontal View

I need to stop right here. Please take a CAREFUL look the picture on the right. There is a common misperception that the 100x100 has a hundred buns. No, that's not true. It's one set of buns and ONE HUNDRED meat patties and ONE HUNDRED pieces of sweaty-oily cheese in between the buns. Clearly, the worst part of this experience wasn't the was the sweaty cheese.

1/2 way done - just look the disgusting left over pool of cheese on the right

The following are some very nasty close ups. Click on the images to feel even more disgusted.

Thank God..we are almost done. 5 patties left.

Now at this point...we all feel extremely sick. VERY sick. Disgusted. It's not quite because we are all full. But it's more a factor of just being completely disgusted and nauseated by the sweaty cheese. Can you blame us...

The final 5 patties

To make us feel even more disgusting....we hit a couple of raw patties near the end

But we finished! We rule in our fatness....

All that was left was..yup...the 2 EXTREMELY soggy and greasy buns.

Gross...was anyone actually going to eat that? Oh yes...we FORCED Andy to because it was his idea. Watching this almost made us

And here is the victorious team with the great people at In-N-Out.

Here are a couple of interesting stats to summarize the experience:

  • Total calories (extrapolating from info provided here): 19490 calories
  • Total eaters 8 (2 girls and one guy who already ate dinner and only ate 6 patties)
  • Most patties eaten by one person : I think I ate about 20. I think Nalin ate about 20 as well (including the raw ones)
  • Time to finish : less then 2 hours
  • Number of people who barfed : 1 (way to go Elena!) Oh yeah.... nothing says "Vegas baby" like barfing, not because of booze..but because of burgers.

    The sad thing is, In-N-Out use to be one of my favorite things in the world. Now..the thought of it makes me sick and I haven't touched it since. :(

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    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger | 113 comments | Create New Account
    The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, January 27 2006 @ 06:08 pm UTC
    The guy in the back has a blonde ...mullet!!!?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Billy on Saturday, January 28 2006 @ 01:11 am UTC
    Hahahah... you're right!! Willy, What gives?!?!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, January 29 2006 @ 01:26 pm UTC
    Ugghh, I was getting ill just looking at those pics. Those raw ones at the end almost did it for me. ;-(

    Do yourselves a favor, avoid getting your cholesterol checked for a few weeks. ;-)

    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Billy on Sunday, January 29 2006 @ 04:57 pm UTC
    Willy wrote back about the guy in the mullet... hahaha, it's him!

    Hi Billy...the guy in the mullet..that's me! was Halloween. Check out the full pic here:

    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, January 31 2006 @ 10:07 pm UTC
    Wow. Good job everyone. That's crazy. Is that a Guinness Record?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, February 02 2006 @ 01:35 pm UTC
    I challenge you to an all out battle. This time: ANIMAL STYLE!!!!
    Where you at?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, February 03 2006 @ 01:37 pm UTC
    you are a bunch of idiots, that has to be one of the dumbest things I've see, ever. what was the point???
    You are food terrorists, you have ruined something so simple like a cheeseburger.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, June 14 2009 @ 02:12 am UTC
    Wahhhhhhh! SoMebody call the Wahmbulance! Which btw they don't allow you to straight out order anything over a 4x4 anymore cus of retards like you thinking that this is a bad thing
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, February 05 2006 @ 02:47 pm UTC
    Next time, why don't you get it animal protein style, you morons. It'll be even more disgusting and greasy. Right up your alley. Nice limp lettuce at the end for you.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, February 06 2006 @ 12:08 am UTC
    Wow, that is one BIG MESS OF MEAT AND CHEESE! Okay, really, it is kind of funny and I can understand how, in my college days, I would've done the same kind of thing. So, seriously, I am not saying that it a dumb idea. I get the joke. Really. Next time, though, maybe you could pick a more satisfying challenge like raising money for some worthy group (starving children in Africa who will never see 1 hamburger patty, let alone 100 comes to mind...). Raise money. Raise awareness. Raise a flag. Raise something besides your cholesterol.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, February 06 2006 @ 01:20 am UTC
    they were in vegas!!!!! who the hell gives a damn about doing the right thing there? and even if it wasnt in vegas, it sitll woulda been tight.... so madd props to them and their drunk/high ambitions
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, February 06 2006 @ 06:36 am UTC
    That's just awesome. Too bad about the raw patties at the end, but DAMN.

    To the "why don't you spend every second of your life working solely for the advancement-of-social-justice" crowd... Lighten up! (and have a burger, tofu if you so choose).
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, February 09 2006 @ 03:06 pm UTC
    Its too bad that there isn't a place like that here in Minnesota. I once ate a stack of 50 pancakes, but 100 patties of beef (I'd love the cheese part.) is a completly different story.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, February 16 2006 @ 01:17 am UTC
    y'all left behind too much cheese!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, February 17 2006 @ 01:07 pm UTC
    oh dude that burger is disgusting, just the pictures alone made me want to puke. gross. what were you all thinking? lol
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, February 17 2006 @ 08:42 pm UTC
    A-W-E-S-O-M-E - I LOVE IN-N-OUT BURGER!!!! -What a trip to order that and eat it ha ha ha. You guys rock, and I'm 52 years old! Check that! Life is too short - so have some fun!
    Rock on!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, February 22 2006 @ 10:00 am UTC
    The guy who did the 24X24 ate the whole thing by himself with fries and a shake... he still beats you guys easily
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, February 23 2006 @ 04:49 pm UTC
    What a waste, in just so many ways.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, August 14 2011 @ 04:26 am UTC
    A waste? They ate all of it! It fed 8 people! I don't count that as a waste. And In-N-Out are hardly going to send food to starving kids in Africa so don't even try that argument.
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, February 24 2006 @ 03:02 pm UTC
    Holy crap! How can u idiots eat this? o_0
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, February 26 2006 @ 01:53 pm UTC
    haha, thats crazy It's like the dissent to that supersized book.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, March 11 2006 @ 01:29 pm UTC
    haha, we beat it!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 2006 @ 09:39 pm UTC
    Haven't ever had an In 'n' Out burger, but I have heard from different people that they are awesome! (I live in ALASKA.) You are guys are vegans in your bunch huh?? Kudos to you.........livin life and makin memories........thats what its all about!!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, April 07 2006 @ 09:07 am UTC
    Yo. I went to in and out las night. And i was telling the lady at the register if she had heard about this and she told me that she was the one who helped build the burger and that it happend at the one i was in.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Billy on Friday, April 07 2006 @ 10:52 pm UTC
    Heheh... should get her to put an autograph on a burger wrapper. Or I know! Get the whole team to sign it, scan it in and I'll put it on the site! :D
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, April 13 2006 @ 05:09 pm UTC
    yo i ate 2 8x8's in under 33mins! they didnt wanna to give me a 20x20...
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, April 17 2006 @ 12:22 am UTC
    Enjoy the pics, you can't get anything bigger than an 8x8 now.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, July 04 2006 @ 04:12 pm UTC
    Oh dear lord that's disgusting!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, July 13 2006 @ 10:33 pm UTC
    Gross? yeah, silly? yeah, but what the heck c'aint NOBODY else say they done it. This has to rank high up on the greatest what the hell were we thinkin' list of stunts. And to think a girl was part of it is just awesome. Way to go!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: bilbs22 on Friday, July 14 2006 @ 01:31 pm UTC
    gotta say it....that 'american cheese' looks like something weeping outa the stump of a lepers arm.......
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, July 19 2006 @ 02:54 pm UTC
    In N Out has now changed it's policy and can no longer make burgers larger than a 4x4.

    So for those folks that would want a 5x5 or 6x6, you could thank these nice folks as to why a larger burger could no longer be made.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, September 07 2006 @ 04:57 pm UTC
    ya i was gunna say that-->,(sorry only 4x4s now) haha.... and what the stupid thing is they paid for 98 extra cheese where half of it was stuck to the paper(which is soo edible and they just left it there) idiots....sorry but i think it was stupid
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, September 07 2006 @ 04:59 pm UTC
    about the raw meat.... they prolly just wanted to get them and their stupid burger, if u can even call it that, out of there asap. and they prolly figured they wouldnt even eat it all....
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, September 07 2006 @ 07:58 pm UTC
    im sorry but you guys are all retards. thanks to you guys, now the max that they will make is a 4x4.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, July 22 2006 @ 03:28 pm UTC
    looked impressive until i realized there were 8 people going in on it.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, July 26 2006 @ 04:16 pm UTC
    Heck, why can't people just have fun? Fun memory! Lighten up's just a hamburger....not a murder, rape, shooting, theft. If In N' Out doesn't make big burgers any more, who cares. Order three 4x4's!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, August 07 2006 @ 09:33 pm UTC
    .....Actually, it was murder.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, August 11 2006 @ 11:17 am UTC
    Those are good burgers, Walter!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, August 14 2006 @ 09:36 pm UTC
    Why the bun?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, September 08 2006 @ 06:47 pm UTC
    Sweaty cheese huh? What do you think happens to cheese when you put it on a grill? Did you think it was going to stay flat and cold? Its so sad when one small, insignificant group of people has to ruin it for everyone else. What a waste of food and the time of those employees. I'm sure all the other people in the restaurant were very happy to wait for their meals while you guys made an ass out of yourselves.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, September 22 2006 @ 10:07 am UTC
    "Its so sad when one small, insignificant group of people has to ruin it for everyone else. What a waste of food and the time of those employees. I'm sure all the other people in the restaurant were very happy to wait for their meals while you guys made an ass out of yourselves."

    Hey dude, it's just business to In 'n' Out, mind you not the usual kind. Those employees were not wasting their time if they're making money for their company. Likewise, there was no waste of food since these crazy dudes ate it all! So, lighten up, have a laugh, and be nice! We're all insignificant in this world, including yourself. Actually when I come to think about it, they're not that insignificant for the simple fact that you cared enough to take out some of your valuable time to post your comments. So, don't make an ass out of yourself either by posting such stupid comments!!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, September 26 2006 @ 09:42 am UTC
    This rules!

    I say, without any facetiousness whatsoever, that this is one of the fringe examples of what makes this country great. Try doing this in England or Australia and you'd probably be shamed out of the restaurant. Maybe someone would come up to you crying about the starving people in other countries to try and guilt you out of eating it.

    In a land where binge eating competitions are not out of the ordinary, and where an annual hot dog eating contest is televised with a great deal of build up (and is consistently won by a trim Japanese man), this type of gluttony is to be revered, not reviled.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, November 10 2006 @ 11:48 am UTC
    Competittive eating to be reveared??

    You wanka, you'll prolly be carrier from your bed by 20 fireman and buried in a truck container..
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, November 11 2006 @ 12:49 am UTC
    I used to like 5x5 bugers, they dont sell them now because of you guys going and ordering a burger that no one could make look appitizing. Thanks.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, November 13 2006 @ 08:49 am UTC
    This may be used to mar In-N-Out's image, so, it is actually going against their business. And those employees weren't doing a very good thing for the company. It was actually against company policy to make something that big since before these guys decided to "have some fun" at the burger joint's expense. What is with the deal with the raw meat?There is no way any good manager at In-N-Out would let raw meat come off of the grill. There were several problems at this store and the making of this burger is only one of them. Though I think the customers were wrong, In-N-Out should take action against the people running that particular store. So, I don't know.........
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, February 27 2007 @ 01:29 pm UTC
    You say they ate it all, the pics says they didn't. They ate 100 patties. They did not eat 100 cheese slices so their record isn't a record at all.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, February 28 2007 @ 12:43 am UTC
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, September 01 2009 @ 09:46 pm UTC
    Dude it cost a hundred dollars, no biggy for the employees, anyways they get payed on an hourly basis. Although, i do agree with the majority of comments: they could have spent it on much better causes. Industrial farmed cows is a cruelty and this is the physical manifestation of it. And so on. And on. And on. And on. And on. And on.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, September 14 2006 @ 10:55 pm UTC
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, October 30 2006 @ 12:27 pm UTC
    Oh my god! :) Will post this on my blog Ka82's blog
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, November 08 2006 @ 01:03 pm UTC
    Those photos made me so hungry!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, November 23 2006 @ 11:02 pm UTC
    ha, haha,

    to those few of your who said
    " In-N-Out employees aren't mad, it wasn't a waste of their time."

    Guess again. every single employee in n out HATES you guys more than just about anything.

    now the biggest thing that can be sold is a 4x4, and that still wastes a lot of time.

    what the hell were you doing anyway?

    who wants to wait for their food to come out when some dumbass is ordering a 100x100 just so he can take pictures of it.

    It's a shame you didn't all just die at the table, but then in n out would get some seriously bad publicicty.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, December 13 2006 @ 12:22 am UTC
    this sucks, it's true. none of us can get reasonable sized 5x5s anymore.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 22 2007 @ 01:47 pm UTC
    reasonable sized? 5 burgers is reasonable?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, December 04 2006 @ 10:21 pm UTC
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, December 18 2006 @ 05:28 pm UTC
    thanks a lot , now i cant even get a 6x6 cause of your stupid display of fatness.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, January 05 2007 @ 12:05 pm UTC
    i think anything over a 2x2 is rediculous... the complaints about 4x4s are pointless.. 'lets complain that these guys made it a little harder for us to kill ourselves with oversized burgers and fastfood' i think all those who complain about that crap needs help, and a different comfort food....
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, January 10 2007 @ 06:27 pm UTC
    I definately agree.
    A waste of time and money.
    Think about others before you do somethind so stupid
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, April 13 2007 @ 05:44 pm UTC
    isnt a 6X6 kind of a "stupid display of fatness" anyway? i mean just saying.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, April 14 2007 @ 02:17 pm UTC
    Yes, I agree a 6x6? people compaining about they dont make over 4x4Thats retarded how much hamburger do you need on a bun? i ate a 4x4 once and barely could get it in my mouth.Couldnt even eat the fries.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, February 04 2007 @ 11:39 pm UTC
    Me and some friends actually grabbed a 101x101 at In n Out this summer :D
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Billy on Monday, February 05 2007 @ 01:06 am UTC
    No way... where from? Actually, don't say where from, the store will probably get its ass kicked...

    Did you take any photos?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, February 19 2007 @ 11:57 pm UTC
    Seriously. All sorts of shit went down because of this video. There are stores that actually LOST customers a)because of this and b)because they can't order their 5x5s, 6x6s, etc.,.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, February 27 2007 @ 12:06 am UTC
    Dudes, that is freaking awsome. Why must people bitch about this? We all did some very.... interesting things in college. How is this more stupid than haveing a keg party and getting blitzed off of our asses. I'm sure a lot of other stuff was done by the college students of america. Who are these people that are griping anyways, do they belong to peta, or some other green peace? Get off their f***ing backs. America is losing itself. Every one is some sort of hipocrite weather they know it or not. I guess I'm just pissed because on this night about half of the threads on the different forums that I have read have flamers in them. So I guess for a final word. If they're idiots for eating that, your also an idiot for flameing and not bringing constructive information to this post.

    I appologize to everyone else for my rant,

    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, February 26 2007 @ 11:45 pm UTC
    Now the kicker would have been if you had complained about the raw burgers and gotten a refund. I would have =)
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, February 28 2007 @ 05:43 am UTC
    drunk,stupid and fat,nice trio!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, February 28 2007 @ 07:21 am UTC
    I would just like everyone to know, this does not, i repeat, does not, hold a candle to, or diminish the achievments of, the Chipotle Challenge
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, March 02 2007 @ 01:09 pm UTC
    god, why is everyone arguing about this? it was just something some people did for a laugh. and it was a bloody good idea too, wish i had been there!

    but seriously, everyone who keeps saying nasty things: IT'S JUST A BIG BURGER. GET OVER IT.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, March 08 2007 @ 12:01 pm UTC
    I am wondering the same thing. I mean hell 8 people had dinner in Vegas for under $100!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, March 14 2007 @ 07:52 am UTC
    thats why we only serve 4x4's only now..because people post up burgers that
    look nasty.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, March 22 2007 @ 03:24 am UTC
    Haha, cool. I have been purposely not eating for a day and a half and a friend sent me this link just to make me hungry haha. That's really interesting, though. Great job for being able to finish and posting about it. As for not being able to order anything over a 4x6, people can still order just the beef and cheese and stack them up themselves. :D
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, April 02 2007 @ 09:36 pm UTC
    I haven't feel like that before hat when someone is talking about food, but this time i did. Because I don't like fast food no even hamburgers when I was reading this it was just disgusting.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, April 04 2007 @ 11:49 pm UTC
    All these idiotic flamers need to shut their pie holes. So some college kids went out and did something pointless,but funny. Who does it really hurt? No one. So you can't order a massive burger anymore. Waaahh! STFU you fat crybabies. They won't let me have a burger with more than a pound of meat on it anymore. Boo fucking hoo. Now I have become a flamer on the other side (wonderful just another of life's goal achieved). As much as I despise flamers, I had to do this because of the pointless topic these people are worked up over.

    We live in possibly the bitchiest society in the world. No one is ever happy unless they get their way right away. So to those who whine about not being able to get more than 4 patties of beef shoved between two grease soaked buns, I say stay home and cook yourself 8x8s or 16x16s or hell why not your own 100x100. As to the people that did this, I say good for you, enjoy life while you can. There is so much time ahead to be uptight pricks (as you can see by the responses here), so go out and do something else equally pointless next year, no matter where you are.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, August 19 2009 @ 12:45 am UTC
    It's not as fun if you do it at home because the 100x100 is only funny because they let them order that. If it was done at home it would have looked much better and tasted good. That is not what these people were looking for.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, April 07 2007 @ 05:16 pm UTC
    seriously makes my stomach hurt....a lot. did your hearts hurt for days after this or what?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, April 24 2007 @ 12:22 pm UTC
    ur a fag, in-n-out is the best
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, May 12 2007 @ 11:58 pm UTC
    Way too funny. Notice though, none of people who ate the burger were fat. Now if it was one lonely, pathetic fat guy who ate this, then it would be a reason to complain. Did no one else here have eating contests with friends when they were younger?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, June 12 2007 @ 11:57 pm UTC
    I do believe that you guys would suffer from AMI, atherosclerosis, DM. CVA etc. in the next few years if you guys don't change the idiotic and brainless habits. Don't forget the mean age of the people suffering from fatal heart disease is becoming lower and lower
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 16 2007 @ 08:29 am UTC
    There not true In 'n' Out Burger Goers. If they were they would have scraped the cheese off the paper....J/K Kudos to you guys. BTW Was the burger animal style?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, October 05 2008 @ 09:43 pm UTC
    The cheese paper is the best part. What a waste.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 16 2007 @ 08:42 am UTC
    This is something that I can not understand. How can the customers and In N' Out be in the wrong. A business like that is run off of supply and demand. They customers demanded a 100 X 100, and In N' Out Supplied it. It doesnt matter what they did with the burger, they paid for it and as soon as you do that it becomes a legal transaction and they can do what ever they wanted to with the burger. I didn't see In N' Out giving any discounts to them or comping the meal if they finished it. What it comes down to in the end is, Why are you assholes making such a big deal out of nothing. God I fucking hate people.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, October 04 2007 @ 07:24 am UTC
    All those poor cows.. must have been like 5 cows that committed their lives for that monstrousity LOL!

    I wonder if they had to close after that order lolz
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, February 20 2008 @ 12:08 pm UTC
    Needs bacon
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, April 01 2008 @ 11:57 pm UTC
    this is gross...just nastyy

    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, April 09 2008 @ 02:09 am UTC
    If you hold down Alt and type 0215 on the numeric keypad, it makes a multiplication symbol:

    In ’n’ Out 100×100
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, April 12 2008 @ 11:50 am UTC
    It's large, but it doesn't have anything on the Animal-style shake...
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Billy on Monday, April 14 2008 @ 06:00 pm UTC
    What's an Animal Style Shake? A milkshake topped with onion and cheese?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, May 06 2008 @ 01:54 pm UTC
    Hi everyone, This article is very interesting. You can find the whole list of international In-N-Out fast-foods restaurants at . More informations on this website. Best regards
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, May 08 2008 @ 01:12 pm UTC
    seriously some of you guys are such vaginas

    they were just having a good time. sure it pisses people off. sure it was a little irresponsible, but who are you to judge? this is supersized we are not here to complain about how eating monster burgers is worse bad for the little african kids, when those burgers would have been eaten up that night anyways. we are not here to complain about how much time was wasted by doing that... what are you doing on this website if not to waste time? seriously if you have a problem with eating huge portions... GTFO
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 19 2008 @ 12:12 pm UTC
    As an In-N-Out customer for 37 years I find that absolutely disgusting. And I could care less if this is "Super Sized". Drunken stupidity does not justify eating that much beef. And thanks to this douchebag and his friends In-N-Out no longer serves anything larger than a 4x4 because of the image that this 100x100 projected. Good lord!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, July 15 2008 @ 03:45 pm UTC
    STFU you old fart. What these guys did is awesome. Don't your panties all up in a bunch!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, August 06 2008 @ 01:10 am UTC
    haha, everyone already called the bitches out on their whining. seriously, they did something sweet and wasteful, as i'm sure we all have. my god i hate people who like sucking the joy out of craziness.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, February 09 2009 @ 05:59 pm UTC
    Uh, no. I highly doubt it was this stunt that forced In-n-out burgers to stop making huge burgers. Almost without question it was the sight of RAW FREAKING HAMBURGER sold to customers plastered all over the internet. Blame the restaurant employees for making their chain look unprofessional. You are barking up the wrong tree. Not to mention you sound like a snooty old fart, so I don't know why you are an in-n-out patron anyways.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, June 14 2009 @ 02:19 am UTC
    Somebody hurry up and call the wahmbulance on this guy
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, September 22 2008 @ 06:59 pm UTC
    dude i am soooooooo getting a 101X101!!!!! your record is goin DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, November 04 2008 @ 12:07 pm UTC
    this reminded me of when i my buddies dared me to eat a quad burg with 8 slices of cheese...needless to say after I nearly felt death and drinking lines of grease pouring off the burg I now am scarred for the rest of my life and can no longer eat stacked burgs... so do yourself a favor and never try to defeat the quad burg - 8 cheese ever!
    Probably wasn't their fault In-n-out says 4x4 max
    Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, February 09 2009 @ 05:56 pm UTC
    I would be willing to bet that the problem In-n-out had with this was not the stunt, but rather the raw meat that was plastered all over the internet. A huge burger stunt actually is promotion worthy for a niche burger chain. But what is NOT is seeing a bunch of raw hamburger served to customers. I am sure that pissed In-n-out management off immensely, and was almost certainly why they said no more big burgers. Raw hamburger can get a chain in big trouble these days.

    So don't hate on these guys for ordering and eating a big burger, for "ruining it for the rest of us". Blame the restaurant employees for cutting corners and selling raw hamburger.
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, March 19 2009 @ 06:21 am UTC
    You gonna eat your cheese paper?
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, September 01 2009 @ 07:14 pm UTC
    In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger
    Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, September 01 2009 @ 08:37 pm UTC
    after that the manager got fired... its an in n out legacy of stupidity, which is why we no longer make anything larger than a 4x4