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Eating Out
Andrew "Skinnyboy" Lane attempts 14 pound pizza
One of our anonymous readers sent this one in. IFOCE member Andrew Lane attempted Beau Jo's Challenge, a 14 pound pizza, with a friend.


Beau Jo's takes it. We cannot put away the 14 pound behemoth that is the Beau Jo's Challenge. It was quite delicious and a very refreshing late lunch.


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Eating Out
Shafted by the Shank
Eating a 2.5kg (5.5lb) Beef Shank is no small feat. Chris and Mark thought they'd have a crack at it, but didn't quite make it. There was still room in the dessert column though!


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Eating Out
Battle Wendy's
Wendy's have an offer on their drive through board that says "Double the beef just add 89c". Now for most humans that have a basic comprehension of the English language and math, you would simply multiply the number of pattys by 2. When Ryan tried to double the beef on his Triple Classic though, all sorts of trouble ensued! Fight on my Supersized brothers, fight on!


The first major battle in my second war with Wendy's was fought yesterday. Megan Kennedy, Andrea Grant, and Mike Lilly backed me up as we took on the manager of the Wendy's on the corner of Pensacola and Ocala [map]. You see, it all began a couple of weeks ago when I was ordering at the "pick-up window." I noticed the line, "Double the Beef just add 89¢" [see image below]. Though I am not as well versed in the technicalities of English grammar as I would like to be (or as I have led some to believe), I do know that "double the beef" means no more and no less than twice as much beef. It was clear that if I bought a Classic Single and choose to double the beef for a mere 89 cents, I would have two patties. But what about invoking the "double the beef" offer for the Classic Triple?


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Eating Out
Serbs create 62 pound hamburger

Where are all the fixin's?


Cooks in Serbia Sunday put together a huge hamburger. By the time the pressing and processing was completed at the 16th barbecue competition in Leskovac, the monster hamburger patty weighed more than 62 pounds.


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Eating Out
Hyper Yotta Mac - 20 Pattys

Another entrant in the "Mega Mac Mega Champion" competition, this time it's the "Hyper Yotta Mac", 20 pattys of beef, special sauce lettuce cheese....Instead of Google Translating the page, I thought I'd just put the pics up instead :)


Looking at this sight, it is funny, that - it is the case that you admire gently but After all, as for knowledge and information, being the case that it is different. You do not know that it does not try doing many things. Recently especially with emotion unstable feeling something. .


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Eating Out
In 'n' Out Box 'o' Burgers

That's a lotta beef... I hope the guy wearing the Red Cross shirt knows CPR...



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Eating Out
Operation Centiburger, a fast food experiment
What happens when you take 25 guys and give them enough cash for 100 cheeseburgers? It's Operation Centiburger! These guys were determined to consume (as a group) 100 cheeseburgers in one sitting. As suggested here, it would have been pretty kewl if they had've made a giant burger or something...


So on the way back from a boyscout trip, my friend Collin ordered nine double cheeseburgers from McDonalds with $10. While he and two friends were clogging their arteries with that greasy cheesy goodness, we started to think. "Why stop at nine? What is the limit? Are you gonna eat those frenchfries?" Then we thought, "What about one hundred?" and thus operation centiburger was born.

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Eating Out
6 Patty burger, Granddaddy's Subs, Chicago
This looks like a damn tasty burger


If you think you had a big burger just because you went to Burger King and had the three pattie Whopper you have not reached the top of big burgers yet. If you want the ultimative burger experience go to Granddaddy’s Subs on W Taylor St, Chicago. There you get this burger: This 6 - six - pattie burger is the top of the big burgers! And this burger also has only 3500 calories and comes with fries and pop. If you are not afraid of the size it’s worth trying it - but be careful because you act at your own risk!


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Eating Out
Onion Ring Tower

Mmm... Onion Tower...



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Eating Out
Region 6 Meet & Eat, Denny's Beer Barrel Pub
The riders from the Sport-Touring.Net Forums organised a Meet-and-Eat a week ago. The destination? Denny's Beer Barrel Pub! Here are some of the pics of Denny's famous burgers


Here we are coming to you live (well, almost) from the Days Inn in Clearfield, PA---where 25-30 bikers have already arrived for the first annual Region 6 Meet & Eat!

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