This is brilliant. The guys over at came up with the idea as a solution to their Superbowl Snack Requirements. One can't have a Superbowl Party without the right food! So as a result, they built the Snack Food Stadium. A stadium made from 1lb of Guacamole, 15 Vienna Sausages, 58 Twinkies, 1lb Bacon, and a bunch of other various snacky ingredients. Total Calories, 24,375. Total Deliciousness:
1 Billion trillion, dude. One billion trillion.
Here at HolyTaco, we're big sports fans. And we're also big fans of eating piles of snack foods while we watch said sports. So, in honor of the Super Bowl and our need to cram our faces full of processed foods with funny names, we created this football stadium made entirely out of snack foods.