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Krispy Kreme Chicken Sandwich?
Contributed by: Billy
There's this stall at the Orange County Fair that serves deep fried Twinkies, deep fried vege's, deep fried Avocado, and deep fried Krispy Kreme Chicken Sandwiches! No pictures of the sandwiches themselves though unfortunately, got one? Send it in!
From: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jlvoris/203553201/
chicken charlie's -- where you can find deep fried twinkies, deep fried oreos, deep fried avocados, deep fried pickle chips, and a chicken sandwich served on a krispy kreme donut. awesome.
6 Patty (3 pound) burger I ate :|
Contributed by: Dauss
So I got friendly with the guy who runs Big Boy's Burgers. He's an awesome guy. Anyways, not what this submission is about.
One day, on a whim, (and, coincidently, right after gazing upon this website...) I asked him what the current record for most patties at once currently was. I can't actually remember the answer, 3, 4, maybe even 5. Anyways, I warned him that I would be coming back one day and breaking that record. I don't think he believed me at the time. Well, the pictures say it all, I suppose. I only have three of them. That would be me with the wide grin behind the burger. ;)
'Big Brother' Slop ingredients (YUCK)!!
Contributed by: cartman2112
Anyone that has watched the TV series 'Big Brother' knows that sometimes the contestants are required to eat a concoction known as Slop as the result of losing a competition. God forbid anyone would want to make this for themselves but I have found a list of ingredients so you can concoct this swill in the comfort of your own home. Not sure where you would find some of this stuff but if you are desperate enough I'm sure you will! Get ready - here it comes!!!
The Double Pounder (As promissed)
Contributed by: Thijsdegroot
In my last story I promissed that I will send in a story of me eating a Douple Pounder.
Well, I ate it. And, I will never eat it again.
I have nothing more to tell you about the burger, but I got some pictures of it.
Demoloshing Three Burritos
Contributed by: mfernetti
the man, no the legend, k dubs of NR
gobble down 3 gigantic calorie packed burritos like its his job
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e2WljKxqjk
How to make Deep Fried McHamburgers
Contributed by: Billy
SupersizedMeals.com delivers! Here's a couple of guys who give you a step-by-step guide on how to deep fry a McDonalds Cheeseburger and a McDonalds Big Mac. Not sure if their strategies are completely sound, but they get the job done!
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1XIK9y9z-Y
Project: "Le burger à la haute cuisine"
Part 1: McDonalds™ Cheeseburger cooked in a special way
Part 2: McDonalds™ BigMac™ cooked in a special way
Co-created by Max, Serge, Gaby and Virginia featuring a guest star appearance by Abe.
Tasty burger tower
Contributed by: Billy
I see 2 eggs, burger patty, croquet, onion, lettuce, tomato, mustard, lashings of thick tomato sauce.... *drools* Where does one get one of these tasty burgers?
From: http://www.4chan.org

Mallie's offers record-breaking 150-pound burger
Contributed by: Billy
Last Saturday, " Mallie's" was looking to break the long standing records of "The World's Largest Hamburger". Currently being held by Denny's Beer Barrel Pub with their "Main Event" 123lb Burger, Mallie's have designed a 150lb burger to break the record. Guinness Book of Records were contacted and consulted throughout the design stages, they've had successful test runs, this is the real deal people! Will Mallie's take the coveted record from Denny? It'll be a few weeks until we can officially confirm whether they've won, but we should be able to get a pretty good idea very soon, especially considering that we've managed to find a pic. Will Denny contest this burger if they end up taking the title? What if they fail? All these questions answered soon!
From: http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080223/METRO/802230382/1409/METRO
Steve Pardo / The Detroit News
SOUTHGATE -- Where does a bar and grill go when it's looking to top its everyday fare of 6-pound hamburgers and sundaes the size of basketballs? At Mallie's Sports Grill & Bar, the 240-person capacity establishment in Southgate, the answer is straight toward the record books.
madluckman and his Giant Burger
Contributed by: Billy
As far as giant burgers go, this one looks really well constructed. Not sure if he made the bun himself, but either way it's a fine looking specimen! What better way to celebrate a birthday than with a giant burger!
From: http://youtube.com/watch?v=aB-40eA8tTk
three and a half pound beast... slain!
Man dies in cake-eating contest
Contributed by: Billy
Now folks, we're all for safety when it comes to Supersized Meals... Know your limits, know when to give up. I feel sorry for the guy though. Of all the things to die eating, couldn't it have been wild boar, or something equally as manly? But fairy cakes? Oh dear... All jokes aside, our thoughts go out to the family...
From: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/7261888.stm
An inquest is to be held on a man who died during a contest to see who could eat the most fairy cakes. The man, thought to be from Birmingham, collapsed at a Swansea nightclub during the event at the end of a party to raise funds for an art exhibition.