If you've seen the
100x100 Burger you've probably heard of a place called "In 'n' Out". They're in California, and they make some mad burgers. Their menu is simple, but those in the know can order special items like the “Animal Style” Burger, and "The Flying Dutchman". These secret menu items aren't just made up, they're actually programmed into the registers! Behold, the (un)official In 'n' Out Secret Menu!
From: http://www.stevenmarcotte.com/?p=13
In-N-Out Burgers is a West Coast institution. And one of the keys to their success has been keeping it simple. There are only four food items on the In-N-Out menu: Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Double-Double and French Fries. In-N-Out compliments the food with the standard array of Coca-Cola beverages and three shakes: chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. And that’s the menu in its entirety……or at least that’s what they want you to think. The truth of the matter is that there is an extensive “secret menu” available for those in the know. In fact, the secret items actually outnumber the items legitimately on the menu.