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Eating Out
What is a Munchy Box?

Scotland is well known for its heart-stopping cuisine like the Stonner Kebab, and this is no exception. It's "The Munchy Box", no doubt only edible when you've got "The Munchies". It's a 10"+ Pizza box filled with every possible thing you could deep fry, and I do mean filled up. Chips, Onion Rings, Meat, Pakora. Hope you're hungry!


In the west of Scotland, in the towns and villages surrounding Glasgow, there is a delicacy available in some of the more discerning fast-food outlets. It’s called the Munchy Box (sometimes just Munch Box) and it’s a sight to behold. The one I bought for this article is a regular-sized one, in a 10″ pizza box for about a fiver, but they can come in 12″ or beyond for eight quid and up.


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Home Made
Bertie Bott's Disgusting Jelly Beans

Daniel Kay (from Daniel Kay and the Giant Cookie Fame) recently fimled himself eating a pack of Bertie Bott's Jelly Beans. With flavors like "Rotten egg", "Sardine", and "Vomit", you've really got to ask yourself, WHY?!?! Here's him and his fiancée's reaction to each flavor


Our taste test of the Harry Potter Bertie Bott's Jelly Beans. (2008)

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Eating Out
El Burro Burrito Challenge in 5min.

The Burrito Boy Restaurant Chain offers a delicious burrito by the name of El Burro. Three kinds of meat, loaded with cheese and guac on the side. I got it down in 5 minutes. Eugene, Oregon. USA


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Eating Out
Ricky D. Taking on a Steak Challenge

Ever wonder what it would be like to take the steak challenge? Toronto Film School Student Ricardo takes it on in this 2 part video. A lot of this is introductory and narration, but's a good video.


part 1:

part 2:

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Bacon in a Can

You may have heard of the Cheeseburger in a Can, well hold onto your arteries everyone, because now there's Bacon in a Can! And best of all you can own your very own case of 12 "Bacon in a Can" for only $109.95! But wait, there's more! We'll even throw in a free heart attack. And if you call within the next 15 minutes, you'll get a free triple bypass! Act now. Stocks are limite..... UUUNNNNGGGHHHHHHHH


Fully Cooked, Ready to Eat, 12 Cans per case, 40 to 50 slices per can. For the first time in almost 20 years, canned bacon is back in this Country. Not available in any store! More than 2 years went into the development of this bacon, and we’re proud to be able to bring this back to you after improving on a what was a very successful brand of canned bacon made years ago by Celebrity Foods (registered Trademark, all rights reserved).


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Eating Out
Krispy Kreme Hot Dog Challenge

The Krispy Kreme Hot Dog Challenge: Take 1 Weiner, insert it into 3 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts, then eat it in less than 90 seconds. Maybe they should call it "The Luther Dog Challenge"?


A new healthy snack. The Krispy Kreme hot dog using 3 doughnuts as the bun. I wanted to enjoy the hot dog snack but I got dared to eat it in 90 seconds. Puking = DQ. FYI, Krispy Kreme burgers using doughnuts as buns are pretty common now. This was the day after a pizza eating contest and the day before a taco bell eating challenge. It was kind of tough to eat it without breaking the structure. Still, it was delicious!

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Home Made
60lb Rice Krispy

Not sure if you'd cut this one up for the kids lunches...


36 pounds of marshmellows, 18 Pounds of rice crispies, and 6 pounds of butter, all thrown into 18 cubic inches...


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Eating Out
World's Largest Slice of Pizza, Sawmill Cafe, NJ
Could this be the World's Largest Slice of Pizza? That's what this guy claims. While it looks pretty big, I'm not sure that it's bigger than this one. Although, we never found out what that one was, and it is in NJ. Maybe we've solved the mystery of the "God Bless American Giant Pizza?!?!? (can anyone confirm?)


Muncher Ed Ruggieri attacks the World's Largest Slice of Pizza, offered by the Sawmill Cafe in Seaside Park. The legendary bar is celebrating 30 years on the boardwalk. The pizza's not bad. (Video by Pete Genovese)

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Home Made
Super Mario Bento

Might not be big in size, but it's all about the detail with this one! Made in Japan, Bento Boxes are highly detailed lunchboxes of rice and various other Japanese foodstuffs, usually for kids to take to school. This particular Bento artist made a bunch of Super Mario Bento Boxes. The detail is amazing. I wouldn't want to eat it!


A uniquely Japanese cultural phenomenon is Bento box lunches where the meal is dressed up with whimsical imagery so kids will be more inclined to eat their food. Check out this great example featuring the likeness of everyone’s favorite little Italian plumber, crafted entirely from edible items.


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Food Porn
Giant Pastrami Sandwich

