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In The Media
Joey Chestnut Beats Kobayashi Again in Hot-Dog Eating Contest

It’s not the 4th of July without the Coney Island Hot-Dog Eating Contest (that’s how we celebrate in Brooklyn, by stuffing our faces with as many hot dogs we can fit). This year’s winner is defending champion Joey “Jaws” Chestunt, who won in overtime from six-time champion Takeru Kobayashi.World-record holder and defending champion Joey "Jaws" Chestnut held on to his hot dog-eating title Friday in an unprecedented tie-breaker at Nathan's Famous Fourth of July contest.


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Home Made
The Pork Princess wears a Pork Crown

Bow down to your new Queen, the Queen of PORK! These culinary adventurers figured a crown full of jewels was far too impractical in today's hungry society. What Queen shouldn't provide for her humble servants? And what tastier way to provide than sacrificing her very own pork crown! Here piggy piggy, let me bow down for thee...


"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." —Miss Pigg


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In The Media
Swanson Hungry Man Commercial from the 80's

This commercial takes you back to a time when men were men. No sports supplement taking, nutritionally balanced fairy rubbish here. Back then men ate meat, and lots of it. Here's Joe Greene and Rocky Bleier showing you how real men ate back in the 80's. "Look at all that meat!"


Swanson Hungry Man commercial from the 80s featuring Joe Greene and Rocky Bleier. "Look at all that meat!"

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The Meaty iPod

Already got a Kobe Beef Business Card Holder? Well this iPod cover is definitely for you then! It's an iPod cover that looks like a tasty steak treat. Warning: iPods with teeth marks are not covered under the standard Apple warranty...


"Rare rib pod" is a rib depicting marbled Beef Selected to ipod nano (third generation) dedicated protection case.


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Eating Out
The £95 Whopper from Burger King

Yep, you read it right. This isn't some boutique burger shop serving a gold dusted mystery burger with diamond encrusted sesame seeds. This is the "Have it your way" good old fashioned stacker creating Burger King Whopper. Simply called "The Burger", this tasty treat is made from Wagyu Beef, white truffles, and other fine ingredients. I wonder if they'd do it as an Ocho? Anyone near the Gloucester Road store care to find out?


FAST food giant Burger King today launches a gourmet snack costing an incredible £95. The treat – called “The Burger” – contains Wagyu beef and Cristal champagne onion straws.


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Eating Out
Krispy Kreme eating competition

This group of office workers started their own Krispy Kreme eating competition. With nicknames like "I can fit my whole fist in my mouth", and "Doukas the Donut Destroyer", you know it'll be good. It's amazing what people will do for a free T-Shirt :D


Krispy Kreme eating competition

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Home Made
Giant Bacon Mat

This is the biggest bacon mat I've ever seen! Mmmmmm..... Bacon placemat... *droooool*


It's.... beautiful


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Home Made
Giant Kit Kat

Have a break, have a BIG break. If you're not careful, you might even break your back picking this one up. Behold, the Giant Kit Kat. A home made chocolate confection that was lucky to even fit in the fridge!


1x Massive Kit-Kat


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In The Media
Fake Luther Burger Commercial

A convincing looking commercial for "The Luther Burger". One glaring omission though, the Krispy Kreme bun!!! Oh the shame, producers, the shame... Probably a school project anyway...


For a limited time only...the new and reformed Luther Burger.

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Home Made
MYO Giant Cooked Cardboard Steak

We showed you the Raw MYO Giant Cardboard Steak not long ago. And now you can enjoy the cooked version! I can almost smell it ;)

From: dibbz via Messenger

I found the cooked version of the steak you posted a while back