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Giant Tower of Champagne Glasses
Contributed by: Billy
Imagine if he bumped that top one just as he was pouring the Champagne.... (In a sick way, that's really what I wanted to see ;))
From: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/83243/tower_of_glass/
Truly amazing piece of work
Heinz Mona Lisa
Contributed by: Billy
Art comes in many forms. Sometimes busted furniture, sometimes soup cans. For this artist though, Heinz is his artistic gateway. Behold the Heinz Mona Lisa!
From: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1770400
Ketchup is so good, I would eat that painting.
Salmon takes the center stage
Contributed by: Billy
I love a good piece of Salmon. This one looks particularly porn-o-riffic!
From: http://flickr.com/photos/electricbleu/210683912/
Salmon takes the center stage
The Pizzaputer
Contributed by: Billy
The Pizzaputer, a computer built inside of a pizza box. One word comes to mind, "Ghetto". Could have done with a bit more work, or maybe a bigger box?
From: http://forums.hardwarelogic.com/f22/pizzapooter-5048.html#45862
So after preparing the box and checking that hardware, I got everything ready. Cutting the I/O space was a PIA, and ended using guidewire to keep the cardboard in place. After that I seated everything to see how it would work out
The Hot Dog Rollup
Contributed by: Billy
Remember "The Hot Dog Rollup, Outdone" from way back in March 2006? Well those crazy cats at Goonswithspoons.com have made one too! What is a Hot Dog Roll Up you may ask? It's a Hot Dog, wrapped in bacon, then wrapped in cheese, wrapped in meat and cooked. Served on a Hot Dog Bun, this is one heart stopping snack! It requires a surprisingly large amount of beer to make one though ;)
From: http://goonswithspoons.com/Hot_Dog_Rollup
Warning This should not be made or consumed by anyone with heart problems, liver/kidney disease, diabetics, anyone who is pregnant or nursing, the clinically obese, vegetarians, anyone who wants to live past 35 without having a heart attack, also anyone with any health problems what-so-ever. I take no responsibility any actions or death that results from this thread and recipe....it's just that good.
The Creme Egg Challenge, 10 eggs in 10 minutes
Contributed by: Billy
How many Creme Eggs can you do? Way back in 1993 the challenge was set. 8 Creme Eggs in 10 minutes. Since that time no one had beaten the record, that is until now. "Mr Pantson" (name changed for Internet anonymity) was attempting to make Creme Egg History. Could he down 10 Creme Eggs in 10 minutes or less?
From: http://www.joeldown.org/oldjod/000254.php
I know when I’m beat. After setting a record of eight Creme Eggs in eight minutes back in 1993, nobody has risen to my challenge of ten eggs in ten minutes. Until now. Step forward Mr Pantson*, glutton extraordinaire, who’s set new standards in competitive chocolate eating. I think it was harder than he expected, as these pictures prove, but he should stand proud. Key plays in the game highlighted below.
Giant Super Mario Wedding Cake
Contributed by: Billy
Love is a glorious thing, but even more glorious when there's Super Mario and baked treats! These two obviously had a soft spot for Mario while courting, it ended up being their wedding cake! Maybe she used to role play as Princess Peach?
From: http://www.flickr.com/photos/clunky_wedding/434245702/
The 100 Peeps Challenge
Contributed by: Billy
Prompted from our earlier story about the 50 Peeps in 60 minutes challenge, Zach from blackmarketkittens.com sent in a story he wrote a while back. A friend of his was mouthing off about how he could eat 100 peeps in one sitting. One year later, the challenge was set, more competitors entered, and hilarity ensued. This is their story...
From: http://www.blackmarketkittens.com/peeps.html
The basic idea was that our friend Wyatt was mouthing off and said he could eat x amount of Peeps within one hour. It was talked-up for a year and eventually, we had three people attempting to consume 100 Peeps within one hour. The crowd favorite, Wyatt, had the power and possible skill to win. The silver-medal favorite, Debashis, was suckered into this match late, but was known to be crazy. Jennifer, my housemate's girlfriend, was a surprise entry.
Spanish Big Burger
Contributed by: GodTrusT
The burger was made with 1.3kgs of calf and pig , 800/500 more or less, also it has bacon , tomato , two kind of cheese , onion , ketchup , mayonnaise and no more I think. The bread is a typical catalan bread called "Pan de Pages"
That's All ; )
Mega Hamburger Three
Contributed by: Billy
First there was Mega Hamburger One. Then soon after there was Mega Hamburger Two. And now lifeontheedge has done it again, creating the Mega Hamburger Three! Pineapple, Egg, Grilled Onions, Cheese, Beetroot, Sliced Onions, Mayo, Lettuce, Pickle, Sauce, and a whole lotta beef on a sesame seed bun. (served with his signature Tater Tots of course!) This is one mighty tasty looking burger!
From: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lifeontheedge/429386749
It was burger night again - I couldn't resist. This thing was really too tall to get in my mouth, and I have a huge ogrish maw. Eating it was a bit of work.