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The Pizzaburger Experiment

Me and a couple of friends decided to combine two of our favorite foods, which are: pizzas and hamburgers. We decided to call this little experiment, THE PIZZABURGER!



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Home Made
The Fattest Luther Burger Evar!

Remember The Original Luther Burger, from Mulligan's Bar, Georgia? Even though Mulligan's Bar has closed its doors, the legend lives on. Behold, the Fattest Luther Burger Evar! Whole Krispy Kreme donuts (instead of halves), and the fattest meat patty you'll ever see on a burger. Sweet, fatty goodness!


Oh dear god


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Home Made
The Redneck Hangover Cure, Chicken and Egg Cocktail

Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg? I suspect if you're drunk enough to actually have one of these, you won't care what came first, only what might come up later. It's an alcoholic cocktail made from a cooked chicken wing and a raw egg. Cock a doodle spew!


Awesome name!! This is a redneck hangover cure from hell. But it works. A permutation of the classic prairie oyster shot with a spicy ass wing on top. Eat the wing first and them slam the drink. HOOO YA MUTHA!!! That's the shiznit!


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Home Made
16 oz Steak Challenge

LanceThunderclap was given a challenge by his boss, to finish a 16oz steak in under 2 minutes. If he finished it in time, he got it for free. How quickly could you finish a 16oz steak?


I made a bet with my boss that I could eat a 16 oz steak in under 2 minutes. If victorious, it meant the steak was free

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Home Made Supersized Burger

Thanks to the guys over at for sending this one in. A few of their members got together and made some Supersized Burgers. Take a look, and see how the French do it!


Hi! I'm a French staff member from (so sorry if my English isn't perfect ;-). This week, we made homemade burgers with a few others members in the southern France (at Aix-en-Provence). Everyone was invited to create and realize his own recipe. So we went to the supermarket, and we buyed all we needer.


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Home Made
The Canadian Outdoorsman Competition

What happens when you take a bunch of Canadians, thrown in some Axes, Canoes, Giant Logs, and a crapload of beer? You get "The Canadian Outdoorsman Compeition." Chugging massive amounts of beer the whole time, these guys compete to see who can outrun, out lift, and out chug the other teams to take the title. Injuries-a-plenty!
Warning: Mild puking ahead


1 Day. 7 Teams. 13 Events. 288 Beers. 1 Team Wins. On July 7th, a group of brave Canadians ventured off to the Boyes cabin in Osprey Lake, B.C. Only grown men returned

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Home Made
Bob-BQN and the Giant Cheeseburgers

Memorial Day 2007, and what better way to spend it than by cooking Giant Cheeseburgers! Bob-BQN, a grilling connoisseur went on a culinary journey and created two 12" Giant Cheeseburgers. Not only did he make the patties, but the buns as well. A fantastic looking Supersized Burger!


Cheese Burgers. This is what it was all about this weekend. There was a lot of strategies and techniques involved that we hadn’t used before and weren’t quite confident of what to do. But in the end it worked out well. I did drop one of the burgers ….. (see below). The bun is 12 inches diameter and the burgers when raw were 14 inches across. However, once cooked the burgers shrank a bit. :(


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Home Made
The Super Burger Dog

Much the same as The Hot Dog Rollup, this fine Supersized Calorie Creation will bring sharp pains of joy to your heart. It's a hot dog, wrapped in cheese, mince, bacon, and grilled on the BBQ. Normal hot dogs have nothing on this puppy!


A burger? A dog?? NO! It's a Super Burger Dog. Thanks to QBabe for this wonderful idea! I'll give a brief explaination and let the pics explain themselves. After the pics, I'll give some hints/changes for doing them again. My apologies to the dial up posters :(


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Home Made
40oz of Beer in 4.5 seconds

Unbelievable! This guy downs a pitcher and a bit of beer in 4.5 seconds. Instant PARTY! WOO!!!!


Have to see it to believe it! My brother inhales a 40 oz of beer in 4 and half seconds easy. Recorded on LG enV

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Eating with Elvis, commemorating 30 years since his passing

It's been 30 years to the day since the King passed away. Some will claim foul play, but most know it was probably due to his fantastic diet of Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches, among other fine creations. To mourn the 30th anniversary of his passing, a tribute to his culinary endeavours, a day in the life of the kitchen of Elvis. May your arteries rest in peace, oh great one. You've left us with more than just music...


Eat like a King! Enjoy Elvis’s favorite recipes for a whole day. A typical day in the King’s life: