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furuoispete123 does the 72oz Steak in 7 minutes! World Record!
Authored by: Furiouspete on Saturday, February 23 2008 @ 05:59 pm UTC
I know this is against the rules or what not. I can and will attempt this again because I think I can do this in 6 minutes...Then there won't be ANY controversy...
furuoispete123 does the 72oz Steak in 7 minutes! World Record!
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, February 25 2008 @ 09:16 am UTC
Didn't Pastore also eat a baked potato and a salad? Where were you able to find out how long it took him to eat just the steak? I have searched and I can't find that info.

Regardless if this is a record or not, it was an awesome time. Great job. I enjoyed watching you eat it. Having a video makes it so much more authentic.

Where is the restaurant? Did you get anything for eating it?