Home Made
The Monstrosity, 133lb Wedding Cake

"I love you *this* much"!!! Hope they had plenty of wedding guests! Meet "The Monstrosity", a 60.5kg Wedding Cake. Taking over 100 hours to make, I'm sure it'd taste as good as it looks!


Last minute cake. Met the customer on Thursday he got married the following Thursday. This cake is loosely based on a Margret Braun (New York)design. All cakes are double depth 5inches to 6 inches. 6inch Caramel apple cake. 9 inch Caramel apple cake. 12 inch Fruitcake. 15 inch Fruitcake. 18 inch Polystyrene cake dummies (fourteen 6 inch rounds glued together). Chamfered cake board 24 inches


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