"I love you *this* much"!!! Hope they had plenty of wedding guests! Meet "The Monstrosity", a 60.5kg Wedding Cake. Taking over 100 hours to make, I'm sure it'd taste as good as it looks!
From: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30203596@N08/2821939782/
Last minute cake. Met the customer on Thursday he got married the following Thursday. This cake is loosely based on a Margret Braun (New York)design. All cakes are double depth 5inches to 6 inches. 6inch Caramel apple cake. 9 inch Caramel apple cake. 12 inch Fruitcake. 15 inch Fruitcake. 18 inch Polystyrene cake dummies (fourteen 6 inch rounds glued together). Chamfered cake board 24 inches