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Charbroiled Steak Sandwich At Carl's Jr.

Carl's Jr. has just released their new "Charbroiled Steak Sandwich". The Charbroiled Steak Sandwich boasts a large 100% sirloin steak, topped with breaded onion rings, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise all on a toasted steak roll. Personally I prefer my own Carl's Jr. creations with Onion Rings, but props to Carl's Jr. for bringing us the fatness we need with the convenience we crave!

From: Email via Carl's Jr.

CARPINTERIA, Calif. – December 3, 2008 – Carl’s Jr.® is once again bringing fancy to fast-food with its new Charbroiled Steak Sandwich. Starting today, guys no longer have to worry about breaking the bank for a steak dinner on date night — Carl’s Jr. can provide a delicious Charbroiled Steak Sandwich for a fraction of the cost.


15 Second Commercial:

30 Second Commercial:

The Charbroiled Steak Sandwich boasts a large 100% sirloin steak, topped with breaded onion rings, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise all on a toasted steak roll. Compared to a steak meal at a fancy restaurant, the Charbroiled Steak Sandwich is a value with a suggested retail price of $4.69 a la carte, or $7.19 for a combo with Natural-Cut Fries and a drink. Prices may vary.

“In this economy, it’s understandable that guys would want to watch what they spend,” said Brad Haley, executive vice president of marketing for Carl’s Jr. “So, we’re giving them the opportunity to do just that with the new Charbroiled Steak Sandwich. It isn’t cheap, low-quality, value-menu fare like most of our competitors are pimping right now, but it does represent a great value for a big piece of steak compared to what guys would pay almost anywhere else. Even in these tough times, people still want quality food and great taste, but they also want to feel like they are getting a good value for their money. And, for a little over four-and-a-half bucks, the new Charbroiled Steak Sandwich from Carl’s Jr. delivers value in a big way.”

A great steak sandwich isn’t the only thing Carl’s Jr. is offering guys; here are more tips on how to have a frugally fancy night out:
• Take the bus to Carl’s Jr. for a steak dinner — save money on gas while helping the environment:
• Follow your delicious Carl’s Jr. dinner with a trip to a local bookstore or coffee shop to listen to live music instead of spending money on an expensive concert:
• Work off that delectable dinner with a walk to the video store and rent a movie instead of going to the theater

A new commercial promoting the Charbroiled Steak Sandwich titled “Going Out” shows how confusion can arise when a guy and his girlfriend have a different understanding about where they are going for a steak dinner. Both the 30- and 15-second spots can be embeded from this site. The ads were created by Mendelsohn Zien Advertising, the long-time ad agency of Carl's Jr.

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