Big thanks to one of our German readers Christoph for sending this one in! It's the story of a German Science TV Show called Galileo, and their attempt at making a Mega-Burger. Not your run-of-the-mill MegaBurger though, no no, the Germans do things BIG, REAL BIG. So big in fact that they engineered a structure to hold the Burger Patty just inches from the heat source for cooking, and then used this structure to flip the burger perfectly. An amazing engineering feat! They go through the process of research (using!), planning, preparation, cooking, and finally eating. My German isn't the best, so I really don't know much about what they're saying, only that the bun is 170cm wide and weighs 140kg's, the patty is also 170cm wide and weighs 243kg's, with fixin's, the total burger weight cooked was 329kg's!
Galileo Video vom 29. Oktober 2007: Der größte Burger der Welt

The hosts of the show have a laugh at the site

Sketches are drawn up for the meat patty cooking structure

The grill is welded

Grill in the warehouse

The buns are made

The first bun out of the oven

Making the Burger

Wrapping the burger for transport

The BBQ fuel for the fire


A cover is built to protect the burger

The burger is lowered closer to the BBQ fuel

The turning of the burger

Placing the burger on the bun

Time to top the burger!

Topping with lettuce, tomato, onion and other toppings

Taking the burger to the weighstation

329kg Burger!

A close up of the burger

Enjoyed by all
To see the complete video, click here!