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The Muppet Show Cake
Contributed by: Billy
This cake is made from 100% awesome. It's the Muppet Show Cake. Created for the 2007 Kentucky State Fair (where it won the Blue Ribbon), it's got all the usual suspects from The Muppet Show. The detail is amazing! One of the best cakes I've ever seen. I don't know if I could bring myself to eat Beaker though!
From: http://www.flickr.com/photos/withoutform/sets/72157601654815836/detail/
This cake was a blue ribbon winner at the 2007 Kentucky State Fair.

Statler & Waldorf, Rowlf, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker

Sam the Eagle, Gonzo, Camilla

Miss Piggy, Kermit

Miss Piggy, Kermit

The Swedish Chef, Scooter, Fozzie Bear

Zoot, Sgt. Floyd Pepper

Miss Piggy, Kermit, Rowlf, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker, Sam the Eagle, Gonzo, Camilla

Dr. Teeth, Janice, Animal, Zoot, Sgt. Floyd Pepper

Dr. Teeth, Janice, Animal

Gonzo, Camilla, The Swedish Chef, Scooter, Fozzie Bear

The Swedish Chef, Scooter, Fozzie Bear, Dr. Teeth, Janice, Animal, Zoot

Kermit, Miss Piggy

Miss Piggy, Statler & Waldorf

Miss Piggy, Kermit, Rowlf, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker, Sam the Eagle, Gonzo, Camilla

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker

Statler & Waldorf, Rowlf