Look at this Fking Fruit!

Never have I heard so much passion for a piece of fruit! I've got no idea what this fruit is, or whether it's a 'shop job, but man the text cracks me up! And it does look pretty bad-ass. I mean, if it's the size of someone's head, and it was thrown at you, it'd do some serious damage! Warning: Mild fking swearing ahead!


Look at this fking fruit! This fruit is fking hardcore. It's covered in spikes, holy sht!


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Look at this Fking Fruit!
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, September 26 2007 @ 04:59 pm UTC
it's called durian, and smells like piss and ass and tastes worse.
Look at this Fking Fruit!
Authored by: Billy on Wednesday, September 26 2007 @ 05:03 pm UTC
So it really does "smell like man".... hahah...
Look at this Fking Fruit!
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, September 27 2007 @ 04:27 am UTC
Well that fruit is a durian or custard apple and it does smell like pure evil but tastes great. Tastes weird like bannanas or something and has the texture of thick custard. First commenter needs to eat a fresh one because no way do they taste bad.
Look at this Fking Fruit!
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, September 27 2007 @ 08:03 am UTC
I had a Durian smoothy at a Thai place and it was defintely... different. Not bad, slightly medicinal.
Look at this Fking Fruit!
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, September 29 2007 @ 12:27 am UTC
durian smells fucking awesome, and tastes even better!