Eating Out
The "Lazy Moon" Giant Pizza Slice, Orlando, FL
Giant Pizza Slice alright. This one slice looks about the same width as a regular pizza! Only the video in this post, but I'll no doubt be doing a followup post sometime soon!


yeah that slice was gigantic. i ate half of it and felt like i was gonna vomit... it really is like the size of 4 or 5 slices somewhere else. simply amazing. oh yeah and the place is call "Lazy Moon" and its located in Orlando. props to them for being the best pizza place in the world

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The "Lazy Moon" Giant Pizza Slice, Orlando, FL | 1 comments | Create New Account
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The "Lazy Moon" Giant Pizza Slice, Orlando, FL
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, February 14 2008 @ 11:06 am UTC
Lazy Moon's slices are large, but also very thin. Typically I'll order two slices just for myself. Their "Boxcar Willy", I think that's what its called, meal is a good deal. Order two of those to end up with two slices of pizza and two glasses of PBR and you have yourself a dinner.