"Wes the Mess", from radio station "Pirate Radio" was given the challenge to eat 48 Ounces of Baby Food in Six Minutes! Those crazy radio guys...
From: http://www.pirateradio1250.com/site_htm/Wes_and_baby_food.htm
June 30, 2006
How hard can this be?
It's only 20 4-oz jars of baby food.
Troy D, Ellerbe and Allen Thomas
salute "Wes the Mess" at the console.
Troy D, Ellerbe, Allen Thomas
and Wes Hines discuss the ground rules
for the imminent gastronomic competition.
While projecting a calm demeanor, just as a
Thoroughbred eager to respond to the whip,
Wes Hines is a coil spring of energy awaiting
the command from Allen Thomas to "EAT!"
The race against the clock begins!
The first jar is always easy.
Only a pro would attempt this without a bib.
Wes wishes he had a bigger spoon.
Wes makes steady progress
toward a new world record.
Ten down the hatch, ten to go!
Official Timekeeper Allen Thomas
keeps Wes apprised of the remaining time.
Wes glares at jar Number 13.
The spirit was willing, but Wes couldn't continue.
Wes is still a champion in our book!
"Good Job", Wes!