How to Make Fried Oreo Cookies!

Friday, June 30 2006 @ 10:30 pm UTC

Contributed by: Billy

I know what you're thinking... "Those Oreo's just aren't fat enough". Fear not! to the rescue! "Fairy" gives his step-by-step guide to Oreo fatness!


We Southeast Asians love gorengan, or fritters, especially come tea time in the evening. We've all had deep-fried versions of local fruits such pisang (banana), ubi keledek (sweet potato), and cempedak (jackfruit), all typically covered in a semi-salty coating of rice flour batter. Sinking your teeth into a hot and greasy sweet pisang goreng is just heavenly and sipping a cup of hot tea to wash it down brings the world (and your heart) to a standstill. But has anyone ever tried Fried Oreo Cookies?!


Some of you are possibly cringing in disbelief at such an atrocious food concept. Heck, I couldn't believe that fried Oreo cookies existed! I first discovered about it while surfing an article on how to win at carnival games. Later in the article Robert (the author) mentioned that fried Oreos were an ever popular American carnival junk food that his friends liked.

Admittedly, I got extremely curious about it and as a result, I found many recipes for these weird fried Oreos littered all over the Internet.

I obviously couldn't keep this information to myself. So today I am going to teach you how to make your own fried Oreos! Contrary to all those other boring online recipes with just words written all over your screen, mine has got vivid pictures to illustrate every step! Good news for all you lazy readers.

The recipe was obtained from this website, but I modified the ingredient measurement by half as I didn't think I could eat 54 fried Oreos as the recipe suggested it could make.

Let's get started!

Ingredients for Fried Oreo Cookies

There is nothing unusual about fried Oreo ingredients; you can get them readily at any supermarket (provided the supermarket remembered to restock its inventory). You will need:

1. Oreo cookies (duh)
2. Pancake flour
3. Milk
4. Cooking oil
5. Eggs

10 Easy Steps to Make 19 Fried Oreo Cookies

Step 1: Measure out 1 cup of pancake flour. Resist temptation to start food fight with flour; instead empty it into mixing bowl.

Step 2: Add one egg into your pancake flour. If you're an expert like me, crack the egg with one hand while manning a digital camera with the other. (If you get egg shell pieces in your flour, no worries, I hear they give the batter a crunchy texture.)

Step 3: Add in one cup of milk. Easy does it. (Shoo cat, the milk's not for you.)

Step 4: Next puan-puan (and ibu-ibu pemirsa di rumah), add in two teaspoons of cooking oil into your batter.

Step 5: Stir your pancake batter until all ingredients are well mixed. (Gaulkan sampai sebati ye puan-puan.) You could use your hands to do this but I highly recommend using something called a spoon.

Step 6: Stir mixture until its consistency is smooth. If you think stirring pancake batter is boring, think of it as a video game in which your mission is to stamp out all those bastardly flour lumps with your silver ray gun (a.k.a. the spoon).

Step 7: Next, fill up a saucepan with enough oil to cover your Oreo cookies when you dip them in. The original recipe told me to preheat the oil to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. But honestly, do people actually measure the temperature of their cooking oil?? Do these culinary nerds actually exist?

Step 8: Now it's time to dip your Oreo cookies into the pancake batter and watch them drown, I mean, swim in it while the oil is preheating.

My Oreo cookies synchronize swimming in pancake batter.

(Step... what step are we at now? Oh yes, 9.)

Step 9: Carefully release your soaking Oreo captives into the hot oil. If you really aren't sure if the oil is hot enough before you put the cookies in, just let a few drops of the batter trickle from the spoon into the oil and see if they start frying.

If you're still not convinced that the oil is hot enough, dip your finger in.

(Thank me later.)

Witness the magic of Oreo cookies being deep fried! Look at how they're bloating up like puffer fish! At about this time the cookies will start to release a delicious aroma that is not too different from that of freshly baked chocolate cake. Slurp!

Step 10: The Oreos don't need to be in the oil for more than two minutes tops. Before they start burning, scoop the cookies out from the oil with a spatula, but let the excess oil drain first at the side of the saucepan. Then place the fried cookies onto a serviette-lined plate that will further absorb the oil.

There you go, fried Oreo cookies! They look ugly don't they? But don't let their bad looks fool you; they smell too wonderful to resist. And may I remind you that it is imperative that you savor these fried delights not too long after you take them out of the oil; cold fried Oreos suck! (Tak sedap kalau dah sejuk!)

I only made 10 fried Oreos on this first day. I had extra batter, so I stored it away by sealing the mixture bowl with plastic wrap; into the fridge it went.

The following day, I continued to fry Oreo cookies with the extra batter I had. This time the cookies came out prettier albeit a little bit burnt. Oh alright, they look terribly burnt! But that doesn't mean they didn't taste good! (Do you think the oil was above 375F?)

I made nine more fried Oreos. The shapes of this 2nd batch of fried Oreos reminded me of this one Malay kuih called cucur badak.

I find that if you don't want your batter coating to look all runny on the Oreos when you're done frying them (like mine did on the first day), refrigerate the pancake batter for a while to allow it to solidify slightly. Your fried cookies will turn out nicer looking.

This Oreo recipe can make up to 19-20 fried Oreo cookies. If you wish to make more, increase your ingredient measurement proportionately.

You may sprinkle fine powdered sugar over your fried Oreos if you like. I read that from somewhere. But really, fried Oreos alone are artery-choking enough without the extra sugar.

(Look Ma, flying saucer!)

Here's a cross section of a fried Oreo cookie. Notice how the white creamy filling melted and fused with the fried cookie.

Here's a side by side comparison of the original Oreo cookie and its fried counterpart. While the un-fried Oreo is a timeless classic, I honestly liked the fried Oreo too, it was like eating rich chocolate cake. Don't eat too much though, it gets quite filling after about three or four. But that's just me.

So, which one do you think tastes better, fried or un-fried Oreos? Ahah, fry an Oreo today and find out!

And if you're feeling extra adventurous, you can try this recipe with other junk food too, like a Snicker chocolate bar or Mars chocolate bar! I swear this is what American carnivals and fairs are serving their clueless and unsuspecting visitors!

I invited a special guest over to join me in my maiden fried Oreo session.

Somehow I think he much prefered the un-fried Oreos...

Cookie Monster: Me loooveee cookieeee!!! Nyum Nyum Nyum!!!

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