And now, introducing the king of all cheeseburgers...
The Mega Mac Daddy
Note: We know you'll want some close up shots of the following pictures. Click on them to get a more detailed view.
OFTM has done it again. Gone over the limit. Way over. We created a burger so big, so messy, so cheesy that only OFTM had the guts to do it. That burger is the Mega Mac Daddy. Featuring 21 patties of 100% beef, 21 slices of pure cheese, pickles, ground onion, ketchup, all on a bun.
How We Did It
We started off by visiting the most famous of all fast food restaurants, McDonalds®. But there was a problem. A little sign was posted saying we could only buy a maximum of 20 39 cent cheeseburgers. But nothing stops OFTM. Happy Ham waited in line and ordered 20 cheeseburgers. They were a little confused but supplied us with 20. Next Big Cheese ordered 1. Together we had the 21 burgers necessary to make the Mega Mac Daddy.
The Making
Here is the pile of 21 burgers used to make the Mega Mac Daddy. Notice how clean OFTM's office is at this point.
The first burger. Here you can see a close up shot of the buns used in the Mega Mac Daddy.
From this angle you can get an excellent view of the little splotches of cheese that are now a part of OFTM's walls.
We eventually had to throw away the box lid that the plate is sitting on because it got covered in cheese. You'll see.
Making progress, we're almost there!
The making of the Mega Mac Daddy is harder than you might think. The cheese made the patties above slip. We didn't have a microphone to record the squishing noises as the cheese and meat slid around. You've got to be great at balancing to make this burger.
The Finale: Here is the
Mega Mac Daddy!
Here it is... The mother of all burgers. The Mega Mac Daddy. Doesn't it look delicious? Ummmm, I get hungry every time I see it. Don't you want one too?
But alas, all good things must come to and end. Less than 15 seconds after we took the picture of the burger the cheese started squishing. The meat oozed in the opposite direction. It was a recipe for disaster.
The burger had fallen and cheese was everywhere.
But OFTM didn't let this go to waste.
We ate cheese and burgers without the bun. We even made the creative Double Reverse Cheeseburger you see above. Two patties, cheese facing out, with a bun in the middle.
Big Cheese thought it was delicious.