Jammin' Joe LaRue sets World Corn Eating Record

Friday, June 16 2006 @ 12:03 am UTC

Contributed by: Billy

Jammin' Joe LaRue set a new world record for the most corn eaten in 12 minutes. 34 ears of corn to be exact! The secret? Joe says, "The secret is a strong jaw, and a large capacity for corn". Congratulations Joe!!!

From: http://alt.coxnewsweb.com/palmbeachpost/photos/corn_contest/


Jammin' Joe LaRue chews through 34 ears of corn in 12 minutes, setting a world record at this year's Sweet Corn Fiesta

Jammin' Joe LaRue and his fellow competitors start the corn eating frenzy!

Jammin' Joe LaRue, hungry and focused

Corn, lots and lots of corn

More corn

Husking the corn before the event

Might need to go a bit faster I think!

Joe's eating neighbour gets stuck in!

The voiceover guy

Kids get into the husking

Hot buttered corn, mmm!

The competition continues

Jammin' Joe La Rue, victorious

Jammin' Joe LaRue with the new world record

Jammin' Joe's secret tactics

The winning pile of corn cobs

Credits for the photos

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