For ages I've been trying to figure out where the burger featured in
this earlier article originated from. Well, thanks to one of our
Forum Posters, Brandon, I think I may have found the source of this massive burger tower. It's called "The Mega Mel Burger". Here are the stats:
Mel's flagship burger is it's Mega Mel's Burger. This thing is approaching
bovine armageddon status! This thing has 6 - count em' - SIX patties
totaling 1 1/2 pounds of beef - a friggin' pound of bacon - ΒΌ pound of
cheese - all the vegetables - and a half off coupon for a defibulator. If
you can eat this bad boy in under 2 hours and not "return any of the food
for a refund" during that time - you get your name written on the Mel's Wall
of Fame and you will be forever the envy of binge eaters everywhere! One guy
at this monstocity in 9 minutes!!! I bet that dude had a real bad case of
something that night. Yowser!"